Friday, February 13, 2015

Grade Two Penguins Are On Display! Yeah!

If you get a chance and are in the building at Heath Brook, stop by the display case near the front office and take a look at the "March of the Penguins".  Grade Two has done a wonderful job of creating three dimensional form in the shape of penguins and their habitats.  A lot of imagination and personal style is clearly evident throughout this display.  The students are always incredibly excited and enthusiastic when we use clay in the art room, 
and it sure does show!  Great job Grade Two!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The "Amazing Line" Strikes again!

Kinders are busy learning what the "amazing line" can do!  It starts out as a dot, and goes for a can swirl and twirl, zig and zag, wave, curl, skip, start, stop, dash, dot, and so, so, much more!  Put that together with patterns and shapes and why not make an incredible hot cocoa mug of your very own?  We were busy as ever in the art room with our wonderful creations, complete with cut out marshmallow shapes and 3D steam!  Hope you enjoy some of these awesome samples.   

This is a writing sample that coordinates with the art lesson.  
I love the end where it says the favorite part of the painting is the giant marshmallow!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Yeah for Kindergarten Spiders!

This year we tried a new kind of 3D spider in Kindergarten, and I have to little Kinders were SUPER patient with me!  Sometimes, we have to problem solve in art class and this was one of those times.  I wasn't too sure how it was going to work out for an entire class to fit 8 aluminum foil legs onto an aluminum foil spider body.  You can imagine the patience this was going to require.  We tried tape, we tried glue, and then we just said...we'll just leave this for Mrs. Barbati's hot glue gun to fix!  :0)  Yeah for my Kinders!  Yeah for my Kindergarten Aides!  And Yeah for my hot glue gun!  And no, we won't be making aluminum foil spiders next year, but they do look good, don't they!  Whew!  

Love the spider webs in primary colors, which was one of the points of the lesson, as well as working with "the "amazing line" to make the web.  We talked about famous artist Piet Mondrain who painted in primary colors. The spiders speak for themselves, yes? :0)

Grade Two Apple Baskets

This year grade two students concentrated on shape and form by coloring and shading these beautiful apples to look three dimensional.  They also built custom apple baskets collaging vertical and horizontal pieces of one of my favorite household products...a simple paper bag.  Each basket is so unique, and wonderful.  I loved this lesson.  I'm hoping you all enjoy it too.


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The New Kiln at Trahan! Thank You to the PAC!!!

A Great big THANK YOU to the PAC for their generous donation.  Grades 3 & 4 at Trahan will now get to crank out wonderful works of 3D art in clay!

Here it is!  The Kiln!

These are some recent clay pieces air drying before they
are put into the kiln.

This is what the clay piece looks like
after it comes out of the kiln for the first time.
It is called the "bisque" fire.
Grade 4 recently completed a lesson
incorporating the coil method with
a pinch pot method of clay building.

Another Grade 4 "bisque" fire piece.
This student also used the coil method with a
pinch pot method to build their piece.
This is a finished clay piece from the same Grade 4 lesson.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Kindergarten Poppies

Earlier in the school year, Kindergarten students had a lot of fun learning about how to paint different sized dots.  First they had to draw the grass from the bottom up which in itself is not as easy as it sounds.  They really had to concentrate and pretend that their grass was actually growing! :0)  Next, the students painted their beautiful sky-choosing to mix a purple blue, or just use blue, or just use purple-oh goodness, the possibilities were endless!  And the grand finale, painting different sized dots, and in different shades of red, pink, and white.  Well, I can't imagine a more fantastic outcome, can you?  I hope you enjoy these as much as I do.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Portrait of a Snow Person on a Windy Day - Grade One

One of my favorite lessons!  Grade one learns about expression while they imagine how their snow person would feel when the wind takes away a favorite hat.