the "more"...
After fourth grade finished up with the symmetrical value painting, the color black was introduced into the "mix". Adding black to darken a color to create darker values began a new project. Students chose their color, and were prompted to start with white on the page, proceed to slowly mix darker values of their color to create rings of the color around the white circle until they got to the solid color. From there, they were asked to add black to start to create darker values of that color until finally the color was solid black. Ultimately, the prompt was to paint from white, to their color, to black, with all values in between. This is a great exercise and really drives the color mixing home. Of course, I don't know about other teachers, but to me, these are perfect backgrounds for something else. So, the something else this year was a moonlit silhouette collage. I asked all students to created a 3D tree from twisted scrunched paper, with as many branches as they wanted. From there, they could create any scene they wanted, keeping in mind that it was a silhouetted scene. Wow, what a way to end the color unit! Lots of great ideas came out of the scene creation, too.